Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of The Children's Aid Society of the District of Thunder Bay is composed of 13 Directors who serve three-year terms. A Director can only be elected for three terms of three years each. Directors must be at least 18 years of age and cannot be a staff member.
The Board meets once a month with the exception of July, August and December. Board meetings are held on a weekday and commence at 5:00 p.m. Committee meetings are held throughout the year and are scheduled by the Committees on an as-needed basis. The Annual General Meeting is held every June.
The Board is governed by the By-laws of The Children's Aid Society of the District of Thunder Bay. Board members are provided with an Orientation Manual, a Policy Governance Manual, and the By-laws. These documents provide Board members with the necessary tools to fulfill their duties and responsibilities. Additional orientation and training is provided throughout the year.
Under the Carver Policy Governance Model, the Board is responsible for recruiting, interviewing and selecting Directors. Vacancies may be posted in the local paper and/or the agency's website.
If you would like more information about the Board of Directors, please contact the agency's Executive Assistant at 807-343-6106.
Tomi Akinyede, Vice-Chair
Brad Gottfred, Treasurer
Rima Mounayer, Governance Lead
Pauline Gemmell, Director
Lise Haman, Director
Trevor Kavalchuk, Director
Rebecca Krawczuk, Director
Ashleigh Presenger, Director
Katherine Steele, Director